Weight-loss method and polarization curve measurement were employed to study the inhibition mechanism of imidazoline derivate for mild steel in acidic solution with H2S. 使用失重法和电化学极化技术研究了咪唑啉衍生物在H2S水溶液中对碳钢腐蚀的抑制机理。
The nonlinear parameter identification of fuel cell polarization curve was converted into two sub-problems of linear least square identification based on interval segmentation technique. 基于区间分段思想,将极化曲线非线性参数辨识转化为两个线性最小二乘辨识子问题。
Polarization curve results indicated that the presence of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans resulted in higher corrosion potential of the electrode and obviously accelerated the corrosion current density. 极化曲线测试结果表明,细菌的存在使浸泡20天后A3钢电极的自腐蚀电位升高,腐蚀电流密度增大。
AC current is liable to have corrosive potential drift to active area, changes the form of metal polarization curve and thus increases the density of passive current. 交流电可引起腐蚀电位向活化区漂移、改变金属极化曲线的形状且增大钝态电流密度。
A differential polarization curve method and its application in the investigation of the anodic desorption behaviors of interface corrosion inhibitor were proposed and expounded. 提出对半对数极化曲线进行微分的方法,得到的微分极化曲线及其特征参数可以更精细地表征缓蚀剂的阳极脱附行为。
Gauss-Newton method was used to estimate the values of electrochemical kinetics parameters by fitting the weak polarization curve of the corroding metal. 文中对用高斯-牛顿法拟合三参数和四参数极化曲线方程式求取电化学动力学参数提出了两种改进方法。
A selenious acid type solution of better performance was obtained by the test of polarization curve, the test of corrosion resistance and the test of duration life. 研究改进了现行的钢铁件常温黑化工艺,通过极化曲线测试、耐蚀性测试、寿命测试得到了性能良好的常温亚硒酸体系黑化液。
The relationship between jet flow rate, current density and cathodic overpotential was studied by measuring cathodic polarization curve in simple sulfate system. 通过阴极极化曲线的测定研究了硫酸盐电解液喷射速度u(流速)对电流密度jc和阴极过电位ηc的影响。
Oxidation process of hypophosphite on Ni electrode was studied in more detail with anodic polarization curve method. 用阳极极化曲线的方法,较详细地研究了次磷酸钠在镍电极上的氧化过程。
Electrochemical polarization curve study showed that the new treatment suppressed both the anodic and the corrosion cathodic reaction. 电化学极化曲线研究表明,该方法在铜表面上能产生良好的钝化保护膜,对铜电极的阴极和阳极的腐蚀电化学过程均有抑制作用。
The corrosion resistance of the overlaid layer was assessed by means of the polarization curve. 利用极化曲线评价了熔覆层的耐蚀性。
The as-deposited films are characterized with Raman spectra, micro-hardness, pin-on-disc and anode polarization curve tests. 通过激光Raman光谱、维氏硬度、针盘试验和电化学腐蚀等测试手段分别表征了合成薄膜后试样表面的化学组成和微观结构、显微硬度、摩擦磨损性能和抗腐蚀性能。
Pb and Pb-0.02% Bi were tested by means of cathodic polarization curve and cyclic voltammetry curve, and the surface scan of bismuth element was observed. 对Pb和Pb0.02%Bi进行了阴极极化循环伏安曲线测试,并观察了铋元素的面扫描。
The formulas of polarization curve fitting and correlation between corrosion current density and differential polarization resistance are discussed. 讨论了弱极化曲线拟合方程和腐蚀电流密度与微分极化电阻之间的关系。
The corrosion behavior and mechanism of mesophase alloy were studied by polarization curve and electrochemical impedance methods. 测试了中间相合金在硫化氢盐水中的自然腐蚀电位、极化曲线和电化学交流阻抗。
The anodic polarization curve of steel with various molybdenum content were measured. 测量了不同含钼量的钢的阳极极化曲线。
The polarization curve predicted by the model follows the typical trend observed in experimental studies. 通过计算预测了电池在特定条件下的极化曲线,曲线趋势和文献报道的典型实验结果吻合。
Equations for polarization curve and the height of hysteric ring were derived and examined. 推导并验证了极化曲线和滞后圈高度的方程式。
The relation between concentration of PS and corrosion current is studied by method of polarization curve. 用电化学参数法研究石油磺酸盐对A3钢的腐蚀电流与其浓度的关系。
The microstructure and properties of electroless plated Ni-P coating are systemically investigated by employing XRD, SEM, electrochemical anodic polarization curve measurement, and wear test. 采用XRD与SEM分析技术、电化学阳极极化曲线测试和摩擦磨损试验等,系统地研究了FS-1化学镀Ni-P镀层的结构和性能。
The influence of heat treatment on the corrosion resistance of coating was analysed by XRD and anode polarization curve. 用X射线衍射和阳极极化曲线分析了热处理对镀层耐蚀性的影响。
Limited current density in anode polarization curve increases as temperature increases. 升高温度,阳极极化曲线中的极限电流密度值随之上升;
Salt bath corrosion and polarization curve are applied to characterize the corrosion resistance of the coatings. 通过盐浴腐蚀及电极化曲线对涂层的耐腐蚀性能进行了表征。
The influence of pipe diameter, electrical resistivity, distance between anodes and polarization curve on potential distribution was discussed in this research. 本文从被保护管道的管径,电解液的电阻率,阳极间隔和极化曲线等方面讨论了对电位分布的影响。
Scanning rate in the polarization curve and cyclic voltammogram effects both number and position of the current peaks in the oxidation area of S2-. 在极化曲线和循环伏安曲线扫描实验中,扫描速率对S2-氧化区域的电流峰位置和电流峰个数都有影响。
The effect of PANI content on anti-corrosion property of composite coating was investigated by Tafel polarization curve. 通过Tafel极化曲线,探讨了PANI含量对其防腐性能的影响。
Solution performance of electroplating Cu and Zn was studied by Hull Cell and polarization curve, also the formula has been adjusted and optimized gradually. 通过霍尔槽实验和极化曲线研究了镀铜和镀锌溶液的性能,并对配方进行了调整和优化。
The electrochemical polarization curve analysis showed that, the matrix of the anodic dissolution and cathodic depolarization can be inhibited. 电化学极化曲线测试分析,基体的阳极溶解和阴极去极化反应均得到了抑制。
The current density of the polarization curve obtained after fitting. 对极化曲线拟合后得到不同成分下的电流密度。